Mastering Core Java and Framework with Enterprise App Dev

Mastering Core Java and Framework with Enterprise App Dev


Mastering Core Java and Framework with Enterprise App Dev

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Java – Fundamentals of Java


Module 1:

Programming fundamentals

Methods, variable & Control structures

Classes and Objects

Access Modifiers

Basic OOPS concept (Inheritance, Abstraction)

Primitive Data Types Vs Class Types



Advanced OOPS Concepts (Polymorphism, Encapsulation)

Plain Old Java Objects (POJO)


Module 2

Generics and Collection

List, Set, Map

Sorting and Searching in Collection

Exception Handling

Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC)


Module 3

Sample Command Line Application – Project 1

Sample JDBC application – Project 2


Java – Enterprise Application Development


Module 1: 

Java EE

JSP and Servlets (intro)

Spring Framework and Dependency Injection

Spring MVC, Spring Batch, Spring Data JPA

Spring Boot

Sample Spring Boot Application – Project 1


Module 2:

ORM Framework and Hibernate

Spring Data JPA

Sample Spring Data JPA Application – Project 2


Module 3

Spring Boot

Rest API with Spring Boot

Microservices with Spring Boot

Sample Rest API application – Project 3

Sample Rest API application with Spring Data JPA connection – Project 4


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